1. Direct sales

What is direct sales?

Besides the sale of tickets via the Eventjet online shop, eventjet offers the the organizer various options for the “direct sale” of tickets via Eventjet. In direct sales, tickets are issued by the host directly to the guest.

The resulting proceeds are transferred directly from the guest to your account for each ticket purchase. Therefore, these funds are available to you immediately and without delay.

Examples of directly sold tickets are:

  • Cash sale of ticket in your own sales office
  • Ticket sales via the Eventjet reservation system
  • Sale of tickets through your ticket agencies
  • Sales through Eventjet distribution partners


Getting started – Overview of features

In the main menu “direct sales” (left) you will find all relevant functions to issue tickets directly to the ticket buyer.

The direct sale is, depending on the function, divided into three tabs

Tab 1 Sales

In this view you will find all already made / booked direct sales. At the beginning, this view is naturally empty. As soon as you begin posting direct sales, this view fills with data:

Order” The order number is assigned automatically by the system and is permanently linked to a specific booking

Orderer” When creating an order, you can enter customer data that helps you to later assign the order to the customer. If the first and / or last name of the customer is entered, this information will be displayed here. If neither first name nor last name were entered, the order number is displayed.

Event” Shows the name of the event in this order. If more than one event is contained in an order, the reference “multiple events” appears

Tickets” Shows the total number of tickets in the order

Price” Shows the sum of the ticket prices of this order

Created” Shows the creation date of the order

Expiration” Shows until when the order waits for further actions (for example, the transfer of the ticket price to the organizer’s account). If this date is reached, the status of the order changes to “Overdue” (see Status)

Status” An order can have multiple stages.

Open – The order has been booked and is waiting for another action such as Payment of tickets or pick-up of tickets.

Overdue – The predefined time of expected action, e.g. Payment, collection, etc. is exceeded and the order is waiting for further action by the user.
Done – The order has already been completed and can no longer be edited

Confirmation mail” Indicates whether the customer has already received a confirmation for the order. The content of the confirmation email is adapted to the selected payment method of the order.

Ticketmail” Indicates whether the customer has already received the tickets that were in the order.

Tab 2 Fees

In this view, you determine whether and which fees will be charged to the ticket purchaser when ordering tickets. The application examples of such a fee are manifold. They range from an additional fee for the mailing of tickets to a reservation fee for the telephone order acceptance.

  • A fee can be set both at the order level and at the ticket level
  • A fee may include both a fixed and a variable component
  • A charge can either be applied automatically when creating a new order or added manually with one click

Tab 3 POS tickets

In addition to selling tickets (online or in direct sales), it may be necessary to use hard copy tickets. Examples of this are tickets that are sold at a sales partner or tickets that are used at the box office. These tickets are free for the organizer and can be created separately for each event.

Neuen Direktverkauf erstellen

How to proceed to create a new direct sales:

  • Click on “Direct Sales” in the main menu (left)
  • Click on “+ New direct sales” (top right)

The direct sales function is divided into the two tabs Tickets and Customer.

In the tab Tickets you determine which tickets should be added to this order.
In the Customer tab, customer data can optionally be added to this order.

Tab Tickets

1 Event selection Select the event for which tickets are to be booked in this order. Tickets from any number of events can be booked into an order.

2 Selection of Tickets Select how many tickets from which category should be booked in this order. If both free seated tickets and seats (seat reservation) are offered at an event, first select the tickets with free seat selection and then the tickets connected to a seat.

3 Check the shopping basket Check the selected tickets and take advantage of convenient additional features

  • The tickets selected in item 2. Event selection are automatically transferred to the shopping cart (right)
  • Via the Overflow menu (three dots to the right of the ticket category) you can apply further actions such as discount code for each ticket in the shopping cart or select this ticket from the shopping basket
  • Choose the type of payment (cash, debit note, transfer, etc.) that should be used in this order. Depending on the selection, this payment method is saved and displayed in the reports. This allows you to understand at any time, which transaction was paid as.
  • With the function + Add Billing Line you can correct the invoice amount for this order directly in the shopping cart if required
  • The designation of the invoice line is freely selectable e.g. Discount -10,00 € or surcharge + 10,00 €
    The correction amount may have a positive or a negative sign
    This invoice line is taken into account with the entered value in the booking and the corresponding invoice
    Tab Customer

After the desired tickets have been selected, customer data can optionally be added to these orders. This is especially important when e.g. a telephone reservation should be accepted.

“Salutation” The variants Mr. / Mrs. / Other can be used here. The registered salutation will subsequently be included in all invoice documents

“E-mail” If this field has been completed, the customer can send both the reservation confirmation and tickets electronically. If no e-mail address is stored, this function can not be used naturally.

“First name” The first name, together with the last name, is printed on all invoice documents and on the tickets

“Surname The last name, together with the first name, is printed on all invoice documents and on the tickets

“Company” The last name will be used together on all invoice documents

“Telephone” If this field is filled out, the telephone number of the customer will also be saved

“Street” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice

“Postal Code” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice

“Country” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice

“Notes” Notes can be entered as desired. This note is displayed in the order and is for your internal information only

“Valid until” Until this time, the order remains in the “Open” status (see Getting Started => 1st Sales => Status).

If this time is exceeded, the status of the order in the overview of all orders changes to “overdue”
By clicking on the respective order this can be edited or deleted



Manchmal gewähren Veranstalter bestimmten Kundengruppen wie Senioren, Studenten, Besitzern einer Clubkarte, etc. Preisnachlässe beim Ticketkauf.

Um die Anwendung dieser Preisnachlässe im Direktverkauf so gering wie möglich zu halten, können bereits vorab bestimmte Ermäßigungsgruppen mit dem dazugehörigen Preisnachlass in % definieren.

Beim Einbuchen eins Direktverkaufes ins System kann diese vordefinierte Preisgruppe mit dem entsprechenden Preisnachlass mit einem Klick zur Anwendung gebracht werden.

Um eine Ermäßigungsgruppe anzulegen, gehen sie folgendermaßen vor:

  1. Klicken Sie im Hauptmenü (links) auf “Direktverkauf
  2. Klicken Sie auf den Tab “Ermäßigungsgruppen
  3. Klicken Sie auf “+Neue Ermäßigungsgruppe” (rechts oben)
  4. Geben Sie den Namen dieser Ermäßigungsgruppe ein (Studenten, Senioren, Club Mitglieder, etc.)
  5. Wählen sie den dazugehörigen Preisnachlass dieser Gruppe ein
  6. Klicken Sie auf “Ermäßigungsgruppe erstellen” um die Eingaben zu speichern

Um eine bereits angelegte Ermäßigungsgruppe anzuwenden gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor:

  1. Klicken Sie auf im Hauptmenü (links) auf den Menüpunkt “Direktverkauf
  2. Klicken “+neuer Direktverkauf” (rechts oben)
  3. Wählen Sie das Event aus für welches der Direktverkauf erstellt werden soll
  4. Wählen Sie im Tab “Tickets” die Tickets aus die in dieser Bestellung sein sollen.
  5. Klicken Sie auf das Overflow-Menü (drei vertikale Punkte) neben dem Ticket welches rabattiert werden soll
  6. Wählen Sie “Rabatt anwenden
  7. Wählen sie die gewünschte Ermäßigung aus
  8. Klicken Sie auf “Rabatt anwenden” um die Auswahl zu speichern

Do you have questions? Our team can help: Contact us.