1. Create user

How many users can I create?

Depending on the pricing model, you can add different numbers of users to your Eventjet account.

Each user has his own access to the system and can be given different permissions. As an administrator, you can adjust the number and roles of users at any time.

Create new user

As an administrator, you can add a different number of users to your account, depending on the chosen pricing model.

To add a new user please proceed as follows:

1. In the main menu (left) click on the menu item “Company

2. Click on the “Users” tab

3. Click on “Invite user

4. Enter the e-mail address of the new user

5. Click “Send invitation

The new user will now receive an e-mail with the invitation.

As soon as the new user has accepted this invitation, you can adjust the user’s permissions by clicking on the “Permissions …” menu item (to the right of the user’s name)

To manage existing users, see “Managing Users

Manage active users

In your account, you can always manage the roles of the created users

To change the permissions of an already created user, proceed as follows:

  • In the main menu (left) click on the menu item “Company”
  • Click on the “Users” tab
  • Click “Permissions” to customize a user’s role

Do you have questions? Our team can help: Contact us.