1. Seatmap booking

Creating a seating plan

Give your guests the opportunity to book directly on a seat or on a specific table via an interactive seating plan booking.

Prerequisite for the interactive seating plan booking is the creation of the seating plan according to your specifications.

To create a seating plan, follow these steps:

  • Send a draft of your seating plan to our Team
  • You will then receive from us a non-binding offer for the preparation of the hall plan. Depending on the complexity, the associated costs average 50- 150€ per seat plan.
  • After inspection and acceptance by the organizer, this will be assigned to your account
  • The allocated seating plan will then be available free of charge for all your events

Creating an event with seatmap booking

To create an event with seating plan booking, proceed as follows:

1. Enter event information

Enter the most important parameters of your event.

Event title” Choose a simple and short name for your event.

Event subtitle” You can optionally choose a subtitle of your event. Thereafter, this subtitle is displayed in the ticket shop as a supplement to the event title

Start and End” Indicate when your event starts and when it ends

Category” Choose a suitable category for your event. This will make your event better advertised and found

Seating plan” Use the desks to select the seating plans that you would like to use for this event.

Venue” If you are using a new venue, please complete the address of this location. If you have already saved a venue, you can use the “My Locations” function via the drop-down menu.

Click on “Continue to Tickets” to go to the next step “Tickets

2. Create tickets

Enter which ticket categories you need for your events.

“Name of ticket category” Choose a short and simple name (maximum of 90 characters). If a ticket category should contain more information, you can always add additional text in the “Advanced Settings”.

“Seating plan category” Assign a seating plan category to the ticket category

“Ticket price” Enter the ticket price (including VAT).

“Available” Enter the maximum number of available tickets from this category. You can adjust this number at any time during the event. If you do not specify a number, unlimited tickets will be issued in this category.

“Max. Number of Visitors ” Optionally, you can limit the number of total visitors per event. If this limit is reached, the sale of all available ticket categories will be terminated, even if there are still available tickets in the individual ticket categories. This limit can be adjusted at any time during the event.

Bitte klicken Sie auf „Weiter zu Ticketdesign“ um zum nächsten Schritt „Ticketdesign“ zu gelangen.

3. Customize ticket design

Since the tickets are delivered to the guest as print@home tickets, the standard format of the tickets is DIN A4.

This DIN A4 ticket can be designed according to your ideas by adding a suitable graphic and / or text.

“Graphic on the ticket” By uploading a graphic (JPG or PNG) you can design your tickets. This graphic is always displayed on all tickets.

“Info text for all ticket categories” By clicking on the yellow area you can enter a text that applies to all ticket categories.“Info text for this ticket category” by clicking on this radio button, you can upload a text that is only printed on the selected ticket category.

Please click on “Continue to Event Options” to go to the next and last step “Options”.

4. Select options

In the “Options” menu, you can make advanced settings at the event level. These options then affect the entire event.

Examples of possible options:

  • Change the expense distribution. This option allows you to specify at event level who will be charged and how they will be displayed
  • Visibility of this event in the shop
  • Limit total number of visitors
  • Change the control settings of this event
  • Add event details or event program
  • Advertise this event for free in the event calendar
  • Upload banner ads for this event

5. Activate the event

Each event will be saved as a draft until you finish entering your event details. The event is finished when the most important event information is entered. Now you can activate the event by clicking on “Activate Event” (top right).

A prerequisite for the activation of events is a fully furnished Eventjet account. Missing account information can be added at any time via the checklist.

In addition to the created account, the minimum requirements for events are:

  • Entered event name
  • Start & end date of the event
  • Registered venue
  • At least one ticket category created

Allotment management

If you have created an event with seating plan booking, all available seats / tables are released to the online sale.

Sometimes it may be necessary to exclude some of the available seats / tables from the online sale. In this case, the “allotment” function will help you to manage these seats.

Allotments have the following properties:

  • Seats booked in a contingent are no longer available online
  • Quotas can be set individually for each event
  • Places / tables that have been booked into an allotment can, if desired, be sold via direct sales (reservations, cash sales, etc.).
  • Places / tables booked in a contingent can be released for sale to third parties
  • Places / tables that have been booked in a contingent can be released again at any time. By releasing a place / table, this place / table is immediately available online again.

Create an allotment

To create a quota, proceed as follows:

1. Click on “Events” in the main menu (left)

2. Select the desired event for which an allotment is to be created

3. Click the “Allotment” tab

4. Click on “New allotment

5. Depending on the purpose, choose a short name for the quota, for example. Sponsors, guests, etc.

6. Select the seating plan for which the quota should apply

7. Select the places to book in this allotment

Edit an allotment

Already created allotments can be edited at any time.

  • Additional seats / tables can be added to existing contingents
  • It can remove squares / tables from a contingent again.
  • Squares / tables can be transferred from one contingent to another

Direct sales

If seats / tables have been booked in an allotment, these are no longer automatically available for online sales.

As an organizer you still have access to these seats via direct sales.

How to proceed to create a new direct sales:

  • Click on “Direct Sales” in the main menu (left)
  • Click on “+ New direct sales” (top right)

The Direct Sales function is divided into the two tabs Tickets and Customer.

  • In the tab Tickets you determine which tickets should be added to this order.
  • In the Customer tab, customer data can optionally be added to this order.

Tab Tickets

1 Event selection Select the event for which tickets are to be booked in this order. Tickets from any number of events can be booked into an order.

2 Selection of the allotment from which the tickets are to be created

3 Selection of tickets Select how many tickets from which category should be booked in this order. If both free seated tickets and seats (seat reservation) are offered at an event, first select the tickets with free seat selection and then the tickets with seat.

4 Check the cart Check the selected tickets and use convenient additional functions

  • The tickets selected in item 2. Event selection are automatically transferred to the shopping cart (right)
  • Via the overflow menu (three dots to the right of the ticket category) you can apply further actions such as discount code for each ticket in the shopping cart or select this ticket from the shopping basket
  • Choose the type of payment (cash, debit note, transfer, etc.) that should be used in this order. Depending on the selection, this payment method is saved and displayed in the reports. This allows you to understand at any time, which transaction was paid as.
  • With the function + Add Billing Line you can correct the invoice amount for this order directly in the shopping cart if required
    • The designation of the invoice line is freely selectable e.g. Discount -10,00 € or surcharge + 10,00 €
    • The correction amount may have a positive or a negative sign
    • This invoice line is taken into account with the entered value in the booking and the corresponding invoice

Tab Client

After the desired tickets have been selected, customer data can optionally be added to these orders. This is especially important when e.g. a telephone reservation should be accepted.

Salutation” The variants Mr. / Mrs. / Other can be used here. The registered salutation will subsequently be included in all invoice documents

E-mail” If this field has been completed, the customer can send both the reservation confirmation and tickets electronically. If no e-mail address is stored, this function can not be used naturally.

First name” The first name, together with the last name, is printed on all invoice documents and on the tickets

Surname The last name, together with the first name, is printed on all invoice documents and on the tickets

Company” The last name will be used together on all invoice documents

Telephone” If this field is filled out, the telephone number of the customer will also be saved

Street” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice

Postal Code” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice

Country” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice

Notes” Notes can be entered as desired. This note is displayed in the order and is for your internal information only

Valid until” Until this time, the order remains in the “Open” status (see Getting Started => 1st Sales => Status).

  • If this time is exceeded, the status of the order in the overview of all orders changes to “overdue”
  • By clicking on the respective order this can be edited or deleted


Seat Info

So that you, as the organizer, always have an overview of your seating plans and the associated bookings, you can use the “seat information” function.

The seat info shows you:

  • Who booked a place / table
  • Which categories are available at a specific place / table
    How many seats are left at a table

To call up the seat info menu, follow these steps:

  • In the main menu (left) click on the menu item “Events”
  • Click the Seat Info tab
  • Click on the seating plan in which the place / table you are looking for is located
    Click on the table you are looking for to see the seat info