If seats / tables have been booked in an allotment, these are no longer automatically available for online sales.
As an organizer you still have access to these seats via direct sales.
How to proceed to create a new direct sales:
- Click on “Direct Sales” in the main menu (left)
- Click on “+ New direct sales” (top right)
The Direct Sales function is divided into the two tabs Tickets and Customer.
- In the tab Tickets you determine which tickets should be added to this order.
- In the Customer tab, customer data can optionally be added to this order.
The more information you enter in the Customer tab, the more information is available for your future advertising activities
Tab Tickets
1 Event selection Select the event for which tickets are to be booked in this order. Tickets from any number of events can be booked into an order.
2 Selection of the allotment from which the tickets are to be created
3 Selection of tickets Select how many tickets from which category should be booked in this order. If both free seated tickets and seats (seat reservation) are offered at an event, first select the tickets with free seat selection and then the tickets with seat.
4 Check the cart Check the selected tickets and use convenient additional functions
- The tickets selected in item 2. Event selection are automatically transferred to the shopping cart (right)
- Via the overflow menu (three dots to the right of the ticket category) you can apply further actions such as discount code for each ticket in the shopping cart or select this ticket from the shopping basket
- Choose the type of payment (cash, debit note, transfer, etc.) that should be used in this order. Depending on the selection, this payment method is saved and displayed in the reports. This allows you to understand at any time, which transaction was paid as.
- With the function + Add Billing Line you can correct the invoice amount for this order directly in the shopping cart if required
- The designation of the invoice line is freely selectable e.g. Discount -10,00 € or surcharge + 10,00 €
- The correction amount may have a positive or a negative sign
- This invoice line is taken into account with the entered value in the booking and the corresponding invoice
Tab Client
After the desired tickets have been selected, customer data can optionally be added to these orders. This is especially important when e.g. a telephone reservation should be accepted.
“Salutation” The variants Mr. / Mrs. / Other can be used here. The registered salutation will subsequently be included in all invoice documents
“E-mail” If this field has been completed, the customer can send both the reservation confirmation and tickets electronically. If no e-mail address is stored, this function can not be used naturally.
“First name” The first name, together with the last name, is printed on all invoice documents and on the tickets
“Surname The last name, together with the first name, is printed on all invoice documents and on the tickets
“Company” The last name will be used together on all invoice documents
“Telephone” If this field is filled out, the telephone number of the customer will also be saved
“Street” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice
“Postal Code” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice
“Country” If this field is filled in, we will print this information with the buyer details on the invoice
“Notes” Notes can be entered as desired. This note is displayed in the order and is for your internal information only
“Valid until” Until this time, the order remains in the “Open” status (see Getting Started => 1st Sales => Status).
- If this time is exceeded, the status of the order in the overview of all orders changes to “overdue”
- By clicking on the respective order this can be edited or deleted